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miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

PISA 2009, ¿Qué estamos esperando?

Semana #24. 09, febrero, 2011
Autora: Carla Espinosa Manzanilla*

Last Tuesday, Andreas Schleicher, the director of Indicators and Analysis Division (Directorate for education) of the OECD, pointed out the results of Programme International Students Assesment (PISA) 2009; at the conference “PISA ¿Qué estamos esperando?” that took place at the Hilton Hotel sponsored by Mexicanos Primero Org.

After presenting several statistics comparing Mexico's results in PISA to the other countries of the OECD, he concluded with several points what Mexico should have in mind for the next 3 years before PISA 2012.
One of the most important fact was that our country's improvement in math was higher than any other country; nevertheless we are still the lowest one, that leads us to a new challenge in global competition.

He pointed out that Mexico's educational system, most of the time, leads to a social disadvantage, meaning that education is a tool for the rich people to get richer and the poor people to get poorer. One of the solutions to this social problem, he added, is to get the best people to become teachers and give the same opportunities to the child in the suburb as to the child in the city.

“Mexico should not copy the education system of other countries, Mexico should adapt and use what makes other countries so successful but in their own local context” he emphasized. Andreas ended his speech giving Mexico the advice of applying OECD's recommendations document with professional and compromised Mexicans.

*Información sobre la autora:
Carla Espinosa Manzanilla Estudiante de 6to semestre de la Licenciatura en Pedagogía por la Universidad Panamericana

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